10 сентября 2004

Plastic bags

All Russians carry plastic bags. Today I carried many plastic bags for long distances. Therefore I may not be not a Russian (not all Russians do not carry plastic bags), or some nonsense in a similar vein. Thursday evening I moved into my apartment. For as much as I know about apartments, which happens to be next to nothing, my new flat is pretty swank. Sure it has its quirks, but it has everything a singular bachelor could want - I've even got a sunroom to rival those of Universal Energy. And very little food. Here comes in the reason for me carrying my plastic bags (Russian or not). Unfortunately, after buying six bags worth of stuff, I still don't have much to eat. So now I need to go rope me a flying fish or some other vegetarian vermin and fry 'im up in my new fryin' pan. Yee-haw!

In other news, much has happened since my safe arrival in Kaliningrad last Monday evening. My concept of what my actual responsibilities are to be at the Kaliningrad English Language Center (K-ELC for short) has come into and gone out of focus several times. Now, I'm pretty sure I know what I'm getting myself into. However, that may change abruptly after my first classes next Monday. At a future time, an entire entry will be devoted to the K-ELC with what I've learned.

In my language learning news: comprehension is way up and production is at a three-week low. Unfortunately, I may need to let it slide more than I would like for a week or so while I learn me some Ainglish by the rules so I can give an explanation for why something works other than, "Duh, well, it kinda has a pretty sound to it when you say it this way." I may just return to America to be the next grammar Nazi on the block. Ahh, probably not.

As for internet access... I'll see what I can come up with. Since there isn't even really a telephone outlet in my place, it may take some time. But the neighbors on three sides of me have satellite dishes. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I tapped into their satellite connection. Oh well, I know where the internet cafe is. The downside is that I won't be able to easily shoot any new pictures up any time soon. Which is a bummer - the 'good' streets over here are really something to behold.

Have a great weekend everybody, and I'll look forward to receiving your packages (see my new address at bottom of screen).
On понедельник, сентября 13, 2004 6:08:00 PM, Blogger Dan Herzel said...

Thanks for sharing so tid-bits of your life with us.

On среда, апреля 06, 2011 10:04:00 AM, Blogger CHINI said...

Plastic bag spot us in safe long arrival
plastic business cards


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